The American adventures of Woody II

The Adventures of Woody II

August 2020:

Since 2014, Woody II has been riding comfortably on the handlebars of my 2003 Heritage Softail Classic. He's been to Sturgis, Harley Davidson Museum, Americade twice and Centralia, been through the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and has participated in 4 Motorcycle Podcasters Challenges. Not to mention miles and miles around New Jersey and North Carolina.

That changed though. Thanks to the efforts of some fellow riders, Woody has been all over America and parts of Canada. As of this writting, Woody is back home and comfortably snug on my Heritage. 

Will you be his next riding partner? If you'd like to be, let me know in the form below.

And if you get Woody II, take him with you and take pictures. Email the pictures to:

and put "Adventures of Woody II" in the subject line. Tell me where the picture was taken. Then, pass him off to another rider who is traveling/touring to someplace else OR send him back to me for repairs and a touch up. The idea is to get him around the country, Alaska and Hawaii too if possible. And hopefully, at some point, have him return home safely and preferably in one piece. Help make the adventures of Woody II awesome.



The Woody II Slideshow

Woody II's Traveling Companions

In order of possession:

  1. Ted Kettler - Harley Davidson Heritage Classic
  2. Chris Comly - Harley Davidson Sportster
  3. Thomas and Joanna Southwood - Harley Davidson Road King
  4. Chris Comly - Harley Davidson Sportster
  5. Ted Kettler - Harley Davidson Heritage Classic

WOODY Sr. IS M.I.A. (Presumed Dead)

Sadly, the last person who had Woody in England passed him along to an individual who

did not ride, who then, supposedly, passed him along to another person who

did ride. Reportedly, the last two people in this particular chain rarely have contact

and it is unknown where Woody is currently. Repeated emails to the last known person

to have Woody and requesting his return to me, at my expense, have proven fruitless.

Correspondence has ceased and there has been no contact with the last holder for months.

Apologies to Road ID for not being able to complete the task and we thank them for

their support during the failed social experiment. It is just sad that the reliability, trust

and participation cannot be counted on by some people. I can only imagine where Woody 

might have been now had the last people involved did what they claimed they would do.

Woody, you will be missed.



Woody's Travels